A picture is worth a thousand words
Through our selection of a-la-carte stock imagery and social media bundle packs (geared towards the food, wellness and professional service industries) you can instantly create a bank of beautiful images that will elevate your brand, attract the right customers and help you grow your business - without looking like everyone else (or spending a fortune).
Use them again and again, crop, zoom, add words, flip and re-purpose. The possibilities are (almost) as endless of the benefits of using them:

Every Clio & Fox image has been carefully shot – just for you! – by founder and principal photographer Trina Turl. A limited number of licenses are available for each one which means that once an image is gone it’s gone – and, most importantly, you won’t see them in everyone else’s feed.

Meet The Founder
Clio & Fox is the brainchild, passion project and ‘third baby’ of Trina Turl, a Toronto-based photographer who saw the need for a middle ground between expensive custom photography and the generic and predictable stock images she kept seeing (over and over again!) in her biz buddies’ feeds.
Her mission through Clio & Fox is to help entrepreneurs elevate their brands affordably (and without looking like everyone else).
When not in her studio shooting for Clio & Fox, you’re likely to find Trina capturing still life for major publications and corporate applications (her work is on display at the Toronto Transit Commission and in one of the Toronto’s largest office buildings) and ‘in the wild’ working one-on-one with small businesses.
Trina lives in Toronto with her husband (a pastry chef) and two young daughters.
What’s in a name?
We’re so glad you asked. Clio is an ancient muse from Greek mythology; a source of inspiration and a giver of ideas. (The Fox part, on the other hand, has far less significance and was chosen simply because it sounded good with Clio! )