What's New? April News!

Hey There Biz Buds!
Here in Toronto, our snow has melted and Spring is here. I am eagerly watching the trees for their first blush of green.
Spring is a fun season- one that has an energy of renewal to it, of fresh starts, of boundless creativity and optomism. After a tough year, I'm ready for Spring and the hope it brings me. How about you?
We've had some big changes here at Clio & Fox. The biggest being the improved C&F Headquarters. I've taken over a studio space with a fellow small biz owner (Materials and Methods- and they make the most beautiful sustainable bags). We're busy setting the studio up and making it nice. The plan is to have a shooting area I can use to create more beautiful Clio & Fox collections, and also for the soon-to-be announced custom small business photo sessions!
There's a new "Events" section on the website where you can find your tickets to our events- such as the popular Paint & Networking Nights, and also the webinars I'm teaching. Have a look here to see what's coming up: Clio & Fox Events
What does April hold in store? Something rewarding is in the works. Don't miss the big announcement- sign up for the Clio & Fox Biz Buds email list (either through the pop-up window or via the link on our bottom menu).
Looking for a fresh, Spring image? Shop our Backgrounds for Spring inspired blossoms ready to grow your feed. The image featured in this post is Bright White Service Berry
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